Friday, August 26, 2016

Sarah St Vincent Welch #229 Domestic (inspired by AC)

objects congregate
topography of the domestic
not knowing what should be
here they settle in memories
rearranged occasionally
cleared away


  1. I love how the plane looks like it's about to clear off by itself, or lives in its dreams of flying up there on the top shelf. A wonderful projection onto objects, their proximate relationship to the poem itself ("here they settle in memories") as a collection of close things ("objects congregate"). What's in, what's out. A lovely semiotics of feeling, Sarah.

  2. yes that captures something about home - that things are not consciously arranged, they end up in places

  3. Oh thank you! (All I can see is the dust!!! on the bookshelf). I think there might be a bit of dust on the plane too! Such a cute little paper plane.


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