Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Kit Kelen #1120 - bliss of the blank

bliss of the blank

some people do not understand the curse of poetry

served up under tin

I lie to tell
one morning
there was nothing came

no one
and not in the post
no calls

nor sylph nor elf
nor any saw-wise angel

the world wide web was at low ebb
and nothing silly needed said
I wouldn’t rhyme there
no one would

there was no presenting image

nothing was next to
or part of

there was no other way to see

how murmuring then the radio
how gently run the breeze

and all the world around
as if I weren’t there

someone had fallen from uppermost branches
someone had the pointing skywards
multitudes flew in
and couldn’t sing
but seemed to try

you see how a doubt creeps in

will I supply the weather then?

I was the one unsung among
that clear
that bright
blue air

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