Monday, August 26, 2019

Kit Kelen #1334 - each to another so different, alike

each to another
so different, alike

my ear in the ringing
a privilege, a pledge

the question and the information
dreaming eye to eye beside
the wishing and then gone

here’s love where it was sung
and a little dance on the grave

take turns with

a heaven earth is by the toe
child father to

through static

you, me and the world
the atom bespoke
puny and flimsy
made now molecular

with arms and eyes
like housefly

peas in a pigeon pair
we’re compost too
and rise

night is where
first last light shows

the garments under the skin
wings like the mouse

in perfect fits
the poem like the picture
foreign taste to the thing

like body like soul

two birds, one stone too

one world
its many moons

clod, pebble
pebble, clod

come to a tree leaning

an ache and an itch
two wires touch

soil from mere suspicion

shake it out
and all over
eat me
drink me
smoke this too

a better and a worse

who hold the sky
and who go under

and each in other’s arms
by means of a little bounce

call me creature, will you

don’t you recognize the voice?
can’t you hear me call?

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