Saturday, November 9, 2019

Kit Kelen #1408 - space


it’s everything from a list beyond
to we must be a part

blue vanishing
and greetings

the atom I
and mirror awe

take scale and speed
how big a crater will you make?

meaning we’re projectile too
or floaty motey
round we go

turns out it’s a sphere
not this round the yo-yo thing
but the lot

who’d have thought?

take this
suggesting it has bounce

picture paw then

hit the wall

who comes off worse?
you should have seen the other world

I call that spin

but it’s so lonely

the bubble blow
powered with wonder

if you manage it
there’s fear

the vastness though
is despite the numbers
mainly all between

think mum and dad
and their rude bits
on the gold LP
sent so so far

think of those greatest hits
no needle
no air to vibrate

so little to breathe out here 

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