Monday, June 3, 2019

Kit Kelen #1249 - to make up for time before it is lost

to make up for time before it is lost

wondering why here
but must be on the spot

youngsters all say ‘back in the day’

where else to?

throw question marks like kisses

and here’s how it was

had to do everything
life was hard

back in the day
put words in their mouths
had to chase pianos down
and build our own orchestra
just from the air

back in the day we would conjure up crops
wrestle dinner

sex was something you did by yourself
amoeba amoeba all bounce
and catch the atoms falling
had to ask your own questions

back in the day
dig your own grave
knock up own coffin
dong yourself with a shovel last thing
then who’s going to fill in for you?
they’ll call you a lazy bastard

there wasn’t any time to tell then
no roads
the world was wide
and flat

we were falling off
like flies
we were at it like rabbits too
spread like a vine
died off in the drought
no one to notice
nothing was written down then

really it was anyone anything next
a body was full of surprises

you tell all this to young people
they’ll just smile and say
that must have been
back in the day

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