Thursday, March 12, 2020

Tug Dumbly - Without Mystery

Without mystery the heart a husk

a piece of dull percussion
rattling with dried peas
metronomically beating a span
of desert sureties. 

A land lies beyond
sunk in undiscovery,
pristine, virginal, primordial,
a continent containing a flower, 
a plant, an animal, a lifeform,
to set an elkhorn
sprouting from the heart.     

Imagine it enough
to know that somewhere lies
a beauty unprized  
that we can never touch. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Reasons to Quit # 117 - Tug Dumbly

Reasons to Quit # 117

Take drugs and go to a cemetery.  
Who hasn’t seen Easy Rider?  

Fresh waves of Goth fledgers
night picnic on the grave
of another harbour drowner.    
An ice pipe by the light
of the silvery goon.
Tag a headstone, kick a cross,
pull the wings off angels.
All those quaint old rituals.

Kids these days …

In my millennium it was simple:
booze, pot, acid and speed.
Know your limits. Apart from that time
I crowned a New York triumph 
with a return to town
straight into the arms
of Grievous Bodily Harm,
Oxblood amphetamine
and a litre of off-duty Smirnoff.

It put the grin on, then wiped it off.

They could have dropped me
         from the plane straight
                 into the cemetery
                     over Newtown.

I taxied home
and woke the Sunday corpses
of my house with demands that
we instantly feast my return from Troy.

I wear the wounds still
from that psychotic picnic
bounding about the boneyard.
Though the memory’s just a sunlit gash 
of playing Lizard King reanimator,
bescreeching the dead,
rutting on slabs, getting impaled
on a rusty grave railing
but neither knowing nor feeling the spear
in my side till coming to in a bloody sheet
in Holt Street, like Christ three days dead
in the tomb
                 waking to piece together
the blackout
                 of his crucifixion party.

Ah, the hijinx of youth.
I think I was forty.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Canis Minor - Tug Dumbly

Canis Minor

Comes the phonecall
in the dead of night
that can mean only limited things –
wrong number, prank
another country
or death.

The phone it rings.

Death don’t wipe no muddy shoes.
Kicks in the door
spits on the floor
shoves to the front of the queue.

Someday the call will come
to break you harder
than any other.

And who will make the call?

This call wasn’t caught in time
as I tumbled from bed
with a headful of fog.

But when the news came later,
recalling the call, I knew
it must have been the dog.

Beanbag - Tug Dumbly


She said 'my heart’s a beanbag
people crash into for a while
before getting up, rested
in the cosy dent they leave behind.
But you’, she said, ‘you I like.
You’ll never fully disappoint me.
You’re like something good
that constantly fails to arrive'.

All Greek to Me - Tug Dumbly

All Greek to Me

The unbearable sadness
of a novelty singing fish.
The wasted life in a rusted wok.
The surrendered hope                
in a dumped exercise bike.    
The cry in the cracked slime
of a kid’s clam shell pool. 
All that broken, copulating
shopping trolly army.
And this just the start.
There’s more, so much more
of this gentle grating raw
that Sophocles never saw,  
because there was no Aegean K-Mart.