Sunday, October 8, 2017

Kit Kelen #645 - under the mulberry

under the mulberry

spring comes
snout to the ripe sun
so far fallen

not all eyes are up

some long errands
here paused
for refreshment

half the valley knows

chainsaw starting
hear cows farting
paddocks off

in these branches
everyone sits

they drop in
you could say
all entitled

everyone busy
black of beak
none show tickets

branches catch
those who fall gorging

waves of tribe come by
the tree is leafed like life

wrens fend each little twitch of the map
they have the twig turn down

what kind of compass lands you here?
it must have been 'a little bird told me'

caucuses either side convene
the purple in the green, the black

bower birds too
all the upwardly mobile

and often retreat
to a gum
or cheese tree over creek

considering there, digest
swoop back
because there's more

light falls all through the mulberry

as breakfast is blessing

and I must get me some
I underneath, of a feather

three cheers for the tangle of all that was let

nobody has time to sing though

this is the tree's shout
fruit shakes all round

consider the years to here

I've seen this tree
trimmed to an angry stump

and tangled in potato vine
too dense to find the fruit

imagination was required
then as it is now

over the mulberry the channel billed cuckoo
has won
wears this year's crown
and yet forgets

spring is in the cuckoo too

all will forget what the tree is for

lie down in the picnic shit
hear next year's blossoms sing 




    Incy-wincy wake up in the dark
    go outside to the expansion
    piss and look up at the stars

    walk around the orchard
    it’s a kind of animal park
    working around the clock

    the fruit was as dangerous
    as we once picked for knowledge
    (the evil pastoral grins)

    screw you a life on the land
    working three months of Mondays
    one rung up and two more down

    with heigh-ho and awful rash
    sweat and concentrated bugs
    the fork-lift collects the bins

    a shotgun resting underneath
    apple-pickers worse than bad apples
    economics of loss and flowers


  2. with good applause
    all garden set sea


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