Sunday, November 19, 2017

Kristen de Kline #172 Recovering bodies

listening to songs of love
don't hold back the tears

his mother throws
herself into the river

the artist sleeps
with one eye open

two weeks later
they recover her body

she burns a double page
newspaper, mops the floor

fills up a chrome bowl
with an aluminum kettle

he lights a candle, carries
the wick into another room

wavers it over a pair of shoes
neatly lined up on the floor

the artist poses in a bowler hat
smokes an old fashioned pipe

an Unidentified Man
looks you in the eye

the ghosts are dead or
dying     that's about all

I've   got to say   I've
run out of words

don't hold back
those tears
switch the station
find another poem

to tune into, throw
a blanket over the body

shut both eyes

don't look back


  1. by the 5th day
    from a distance
    recovering bodies

  2. run out of words

    storm is coming
    digging faster

    1. Beautiful Rob - another poem on the blog! And there’ll be one about the fifth day... tomorrow I hope.


  3. Dear Kristen, What a poem!
    Someday I hope to hear you tell it.

  4. words run out of us
    wherever we go
    I can't see any running away


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