Saturday, December 23, 2017

Kerri Shying R # 382 Tuesday night, rehearsal night, in Mayfield 2304.

Tuesday night, rehearsal night, in Mayfield 2304.

dusk too slow in Christmas week
the heat    and you   garage band

I know the covers  off by heart 
  welcome in your tangle  beat
 by beat 
 here he lags
 there he runs  

you keep no secrets
from me    weekly  wamping out
the music   of our home-owning
fifty-something times-gone-by

so what
I never hear you
anywhere but home
  behind what fence
  inside what
land of sufficiency

I have come to take you in
with my Webster Pak
of comforts

along with carer visits   waves at shopkeeps    coffee on the footpath

please don’t
die of natural causes

go down fighting   be no
total eclipse
of the heart


  1. every day
    rehearsing tomorrow
    working up to a tragedy
    but somehow the world spins on

    1. I love these guys. They are the crickets. The frogs. Our natural world.

  2. There's light, a certain kind of light


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