it is an art to have our heaven
here I am
just like that
just like me to be here too
pick up just any instrument
jam on a few facts
look up and say
it was always here
everything I can possibly mean
this is where we were given
and let me give you what for
have you noticed how words run together?
hellish, we creatures can be
spooky in the music sometimes
picture blurs
through glass come darkly
pants are falling down
we run into each other too
more miracles in store
something was made
mostly was given
too true too true
a little bird says
largely though the chorus disputes
words run off
where will they take us?
picture it, will you please
now an next
I’d like to save a tree, a world
I am here
this is my name
we fight the fight on our own terms
and those terms are our art
an art that travels an art in deed...