Sunday, January 14, 2018

Kit Kelen #743 - scuttle


in a library

(work of accidents)
the picture in the page
fallen truth

all kinds of instruments in there

let a breeze

a leaf through the trees

that's opinion
I roll around on it

a garden all handles

here it's time waits
while we come

(tools and skin and poison)

and it is canvas
painted in
kooka branches

fur flown

breeze tops of a window
where cloud is only passing

the choir angelic
my radio heart

sat everywhere
for some snake puts a head up
and not a feather lost

haunt of a certain spider
we scare back into tin

a resolution sorts it all
that last flash was a year

close your eyes
see angles lit
(grey day in the book
where the sun shot through)

I followed a rabbit
wings had me up high
and tell brocaded chambers

I'm all outwitted here

only write the books I need
read a way this far

who can see after me?
who's coming along?

Her Highness Antechinus

when I command performance

off on adventures
in the biggest chair

a long long way in there

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