Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Kit Kelen #1098 - pinch and a punch (for 2019)

pinch and a punch

it’s all about me

an itch to begin

grey sky start at home
dream lost
the year already smells of shoes

things never just the one meaning

went down to

get you out the door

revelers went right into the night
and have not been seen since

front door and back too closely aligned
dark one with the coal never came
that was our feng shui

could be more of the same

chocolate – dirty little secret
the gorging selfies sent to colleagues

the smell of the first day
cruel master

resolve to clean up my act

it wakes me again
taut dinosaur urge
to be and be more

a machine to move the air

the national weather for you

my self for arbitrary fact

today could be the garden’s
I have that pumpkin yearning

my presence unnumbered
in the pile of years

a wallaby’s startled passing
makes arbitrary the sun’s return
to somewhere we have been  

one day more of the mess

the arrows never landing
all of them are mine

tell of a winter yet
things equal and opposite tell

not only
but more than any

I resolve

hung from myself
like a tree

one more day
towards my healing
and the whole I will have been

promise of common sense advised
best for days ahead

the season sees us out
with angels and good will

players seem very relaxed and focused

the pickout –

my self for arbitrary fact

presence unnumbered
in the pile of years

beans spilt

the arrows never landing
all of them are mine


hung from myself
like a tree

one more day
towards the healing
and the whole I will have been

a wallaby’s startled passing
marks the sun’s return
to somewhere we have been  

1 comment:

  1. A lover of time shift I like this v.much... but had me in stitches when a deeper philosophy reminded the year already smells of shoes..haha :-) HNY Kit


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