Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Anna Couani #12 the big fig

that view of the giant fig tree
down on The Point
walking down there
for decades

taking so many photos
making drawings, paintings
of things
now disappeared

one time
I tried unsuccessfully
to photograph the sunrise
lighting up the Annandale hillside

ended up with interesting shots
of my own shadow
cast on the grass
looking like a peg

the same day I turned 180°
and saw the fog burning off the water
even the bridge
was invisible

the water
actually the whole thing
under the branches
glowing like a pale lemon lozenge

the big fig - sugar lift etching coloured digitally


  1. wow... love the medium. The point of Glebe Point? surely not gone now?

  2. it's not gone, it's enhanced by the beautiful waterfront walk


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