Friday, October 5, 2018

Clark Gormley #47 Murky Lyrics

Hours spent hunched
over record covers
lifting the needle back again
is that really what he says?

Mr Fogerty
your diction
is not as clear
as your water

Freddy I know
you would not have flown
quite so high
had you enunciated

Elton please
sing clearly
if not for your sake
then for Bernie’s

I understand
the audience dictates
that guitar and bass
must be high in the mix

I realise it must be
mastered by professionals
who know the taste
the contemporary market

its fine
it sounds great
it grooves
we all love it

just don’t try
to tell me
you had something
important to say


  1. how often what we heard was so much better than what they said!
    (especially with Jagger and Richards)

    1. yeah, I hate having one of my treasured mondogreens destroyed by finding out the actual lyric

  2. Yes. For long years thought Mr Foggarty' 'listening to Buck Owens' was 'listening to by goings' (do do do lookin' out my back door)

  3. Yes, and I ways thought bad moon risin, was there's a bathromm on the right

  4. hahahaha you guys are hilarious :)


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