Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Kerri Shying R # 527 - the anodised metal cups we all had in the sixties

slid the bangles   down     my thumb
the slim brown seat belt    keeps   the floor
from being littered   with clatter-thin
steel rings   we got for a fiver  at the reservoir 
at Paddington   same bright colours as

the anodized metal cups  we all had in the sixties

childhoods     roamed  the east coast
in station wagons    three in the back
two in the   well    today  you’d get pinched
then   it was the cups   got all   the padding
the kids   rolled  loose and played


  1. "the kids rolled loose and played" lord lord loosen today's kids up please :)

  2. the windows down, someone car sick, but the horizon.....

  3. Love this! Love the whole feel conjured in last stanza of longer than lifetimes summer and how safety wasnt a big issue kids seem to have a crushing sense of time going so fast and they seem more in danger...Go, South Paw Poet! 💚

  4. fast and loose
    ... life's cheap to that sort, Janet


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