Sunday, November 25, 2018

Clark Gormley #65 The Truth about Trees and Wires

the price of shade

in the front yard
is eternal vigilance
so we have to call in

the topiary warriors
the slashing green berets
armed with chainsaws
who sever away

with brutal precision
clearances documented
in the botanic verses
the rules of engagement

but these horticultural
mutilated monsters
grow another trunk from
their elevated stump

the result is grotesque
conjoined freaks of flora
two-forked leafy demons
that slowly mutate to form

huge flourishing eyes
they linger outside each
of our front doors, in columns
at attention, waiting

we must continue
the arboreal butchery
if we let them grow
we lose our power


  1. the Botanic Verses
    by Salad Rushdie
    found in the
    Encyclopedia Botanica

  2. well if y run out of trimming fodder anytime, Clark
    just pop up to Markwell
    and shape the bush to whim

  3. there is shade at night
    meanwhile air-conditioning
    sucking life from trees


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