Friday, September 21, 2018

Kit Kelen #994 - million dollar chicken coop

million dollar chicken coop

if they could see me now
stumble bums

but they can’t
they can’t see me here

I’m under a number
assigned to an island

if they had the will
but they won’t

it wouldn’t matter where I went
or if I went altogether

lost among such selves as I
in one or under cover thereof

as if the earth were under
appearing as a poem

it has nothing to do with my shape
or how far stretched

it’s like I’m safe in the idea
of the picture

like I’m inside out
and see what they can only hear

they ask me how I do it
they can’t know what they’ve missed

even as ornament all magic in my tricks
and often to myself unknown

following along this trail have made
notes staved, word, image scattered

they’re in the scrum and under the roar
they would need special glasses

camouflaged fine fellow among creatures all
not a chance they’ll even see over the page

all on the rollercoaster we
I hear the python in the wall

no pity for the rats
hind paw high for stretch

having followed my arrow, this nose
and never arriving

I go on strike and nobody notices
go back to work, none the wiser

loud and clear as if calling the match
it’s an art to hide in this

get a good night’s rest in there
they can’t catch my song

hunting for beautiful objects
in the garbage sea

in rain’s imagination
my face down fall

having exploded already, taken off
run out of rocket

in low orbit
or out of this world

they won’t see me
not at all

hail fellows all
well met

in this sweet kiss
I’m left

I’m leaving
no one will see me go

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