Friday, November 2, 2018

Gillian Swain - #21 - late

Hair  quivers like grass across
eyes dry with heat
where was the poetry today? 
old in the night with boring words like fatigue hanging around and
the dark throws soft ashes of breeze 
cool and surprising
night is new again and skin has appetite
i look for terms in the small hours that 
won't leave me cringed and awkward with cliche
the rain pretends to start
just enough damp to tease relief
up rises sweat   humid sheets
a likely cover for unsleep.


  1. ah dear Gillian
    & better late than never
    there's no cliché there

  2. embrace your cliche
    run with it
    bring it back to life

  3. Oh I don;t know anymore
    a cliche has two long ears
    that hare in the grass
    waits for someone's singing


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