Friday, November 2, 2018

Tug Dumbly # 44 - Funny Thing

Funny Thing

Obituaries love a good sense of humour.
Sure, she canoed to Antarctica,
modified fruit flies to pioneer research
into cancerous tumours

had a three way with Taylor and Burton
(Brando too, it’s rumoured, though who’s certain?).
She wrote thirteen fat thrillers in the bath … 
but hey, get this:  

She made people LAUGH!

Everyone wants to – kids, rabbis, drug lords,
African dictators, nuns … they mightn’t 
admit it, but all wanna win a snigger,
cop a snort, earn a guffawed good one!  

No one’s above this law. Al-Qaeda loves
a strategic fart as much as the Taliban,
ISIS rig a mean whoopee cushion, and make
mother-in-law gags between virgin plans.

Sure, insurgent humour’s not to all tastes,
like those IRA knock-knock jokes
that blew up in the face

but come the revolution fools’ll be
last against the wall,
thugs’ll want entertainment
as they liquidate the mall.

A good routine’ll stall the goons – 
it’s hard to concrete-shoe a clown
or garrote a joker with tears and piss
streaming down.

To lack in funny is to be defective,
prematurely galled, morbidly diseased.
Jokes make porous disputed borders – if  
the UN imposed punchlines war’d cease.
Say what you will, but the severest diva
secretly quivers to slide on stage
and deliver a sewer of dirty one-liners
slick as Joan Rivers,

the most pencil-arsed intellect
pines to crack wise,
most cat-bummed Marxist
to stick on a Groucho disguise

dignity, elegance, poise,
fuck ‘em all
for a poor second prize!

Nah, few regret chasing a chuckle,
not when they’re in the box,
laughing on the other side of their face,
all chops and knuckle.


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