Can't make it work
cack handed
made badly
a thing of great beauty
will have to do
by hand or foot
words brushes
you get it
of course
who didn't slide
and not just once
sang still
from under the table
the sight of prone legs
no accident
a kind of light
made bright
if only by contrast
stars have dark backgrounds
still a marvel this
walking and falling
which way's up
depends when you laugh
if by words
thought's perfection
then content
be action
a kind of spell
one casts
perhaps a key
to make it last
cough it up
toss it down
stamp all over
yodle if you must
time's a hole
fill it up
just one step
image: Juggernaut, acrylic paint paper JMS
I like the poem & the painting very much. The platonic ideal. The vision & the contrast. Lots to ponder here! Cheers.