Thursday, September 28, 2017

James Walton #75 That wouldn't work with long division

you get seven with six she reminds me
the young mother who went to school
with my son here where the soil
seems so rich it has forgotten to heal
and I am lost not understanding
stuck without the mercy of silence
it’s like a South Australian dozen
she says or half of twelve plus one
I tell her of how my friends
put me up for a night and I stayed for a decade
back in the car I count the extra stubby
that wouldn’t work with long division


  1. I like this very much, James. Like a dream, or when the balance of reality doesn't work out evenly.

    1. Life's a bit like that! One of the things that actually happened, I felt so stupid, not knowing the local rule of 7 for the price of six!

  2. This is a ripper James - reminds me of all those things that don't work out and all those unexpected things that do - or maybe as Rob puts it the balancing of it all. Either way, it's fabulous!

    1. Thanks so much Kristen - I thought it had a touch of the Lawless crew?


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