Sunday, September 17, 2017

Kit Kelen #624 - every morning

every morning

a poem!

come from the Land of the Lullabeast
the other world's all jingle jungle
always stuck half there

through the windows
out of a dream

shiny bright
and fresh of air

draft let in to dry
painting itself out of a corner

because of breakfast waiting
poem in the tum

one that spins
and one that flutters

where bitter swallows pill
shave wool

or a ball bounces hills faraway

legion of lines!
more than you can ever edit
less than you have known

with no authority as yet
it's every poem on its own

and many bail!
see strewn where bin was missed
re-prime the page till pure of

hat to chase up through clouds
that's the poem and how you're here

words-first often
dive into the light

it's without thought of this world or others
I bid you a good day

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