Sunday, March 25, 2018

Kristen de Kline #187 Another poem about clouds

the clouds gather
it's funny where life takes you
the girl's breathless
she puts her drink down
rain falls for three solid hours
my whole world
a p a r t

I won $6.83 on my 23 million ticket
then wrote a letter to my heart:
dear heart, I write, please don't ...
what follows the word don't 
isn't worth talking about

she picks up another drink
remorse is like a straight-jacket, she says   
clouds clear
lights flash
she says again:
do you want to run away to Norway?

horses graze in the acreage
the CFA sends alerts every hour
we can't pick them all up
the beeps about buildings, falling down
or burn offs in far flung paddocks,
the bricks     and the hearts
we can't rescue them all

I can see the clouds
again   illuminated by light
they're drifting,


far far away


  1. Such a fantastic range, and the way they are linked, and the clouds.....

  2. shiftless wasters those scuds and puffs -
    deckchair Dannys the lot

  3. Thanks dear Sarah, James & Kit for your comments - the fugitive clouds and shiftless wasters are active indeed.

  4. Dear Kristen, Yes, poignant and beautiful...and how gracefully the parts fold into each other.


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