Monday, October 22, 2018

Gillian Swain - #15 - Tucked-up, You me and Dave

How many years since we  
pyjama clad 
slept all-in
tucked up and storied?

On sleeping bag nights the bottom half stayed empty
legs too short to fill
I used-to think the model airplanes hanging from the
ceiling were the coolest thing ever

like the way your bed moves up and down  like
all the colours the flowers bring to 
this grey room
and us three all in hospital  blankets
tucked up on bed and couches
talking at four a.m  when nurses break the quiet of sleep
to do their checks  the
indicators of dying need measuring
the measures of grief need 
interrupting  the dawn is storied now
and stirs with our giggles 

this night is wonderful  who'd have ever thought we'd
get to do this again we
three here together for all
the wrong reasons and  how can this be love


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