Sunday, October 21, 2018

Kit Kelen #1025 - amends make us

amends make us

life is far ahead
and stretches you to see

feel there’s something should remember
from for instance dreaming night

love is backing us up
like a drain

so spread
a magic powder

neck a certain way
the wrong pillow

forgiving myself
is the work of forever

think of where I wasn’t didn’t
wouldn’t never o never

life gets shorter
ye know not the hour

but that it is upon us
I correct myself

or in Confucian moments
I rectify

in my vocation as rock
having never been

the father the builder
the waxing seal

time to invent a new game
(possibly with ping pong balls)

one words will never touch
when there was no one to listen

I really had something to say
if we were to write left-handed

a new distinctive style
this will make bearable

like the next breath/meal/step
had better get on with it

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