Monday, October 31, 2016

Robert Verdon, #345, if


having four perfect lines

to rescue from backbeat time

plumb the plangent present

plain as a rolled oat

on a golden spoon

succulent enough to plant upon the moon




Sarah St Vincent Welch #291 Weereewa

Weereewa water is lake is earth
rainbow cloud shadow and hills
I watch for you

Dylan Jones #31 Halloween Sky

Kerri Shying R # 118 suffocate the knowledge

suffocate the knowledge

my dog goes out

barking to my nobody
there      I stand
still   one hand drying
on a cloth    I  hear
the night

pinging back the dark
in me

small rain
cold on my arms

I point out the cat    think
maybe the bogongs
 coming north a
little soon

this year

turn and go
next door’s dog
barks   and there’s

a monkey

on the porch

#12 Bekim & Merima

Lucy Alexander #62 Spore

Come, dance, the light is fading midnight
you and me, the dophin blue of it all
crisp as moondust or frost or glazing
we can spiral on mitochondrial rhythm
canter across space throwing sequins to the wind
our oxidation slide our twirl of silky mucus
come, dance and we will find space
where there was no space before
on leading, on spread, sporulate  
dance into the spotlight, darling

make love where no other love will shine.

Greg McLaren: Wrens, Girrawheen Park, Earlwood

            wren flight is measured in blinks        
and stitches understorey here
            close together      since what’s near
enough to forever        the call
            ‘s an abbreviated chirp      within
the banksias’ slow       grappling
for sunlight     for anything organic
in the dirt     it’s a gap       between
            fluoro light flickerings      horizon-
glanced lightning     shredded sun
twitches across mica motes
in Wolli sandstone       we spin 
out       across the largest dark
30 k          a second      we hurtle




Kristen de Kline #23 - Dark Dreams

dark dreams
stop making sense
if you don't wake up
if you let the phone keep ringing

dark dreams
stop making sense
when everybody carries a shadow:
blue lights flash,
illuminating the cul-de-sac
littered with wavering FOR SALE signs
grinding downwards
into the earth

you think you hear a van that's loaded with weapons
idling, gently
outside your bedroom window
you don't wake up
you let the phone keep ringing

Michele Morgan #296 fan amach

private property
my business,
home, heart, life, keep out 

Katherine Stuart The ways of things

Stone lifts or shifts
Stream makes its way
Confident, self-assured
As it must

Chrysogonus #77 - night curtains

night curtains 

I keep my curtains open
so the moon can keep
watch over me

so the stars can look in on
any frantic heart beats
sweat rolling

out of nightmares
breaking sleep
eyes prised open wide

the sight of these lanterns
hung on a dark sky
these are a source of comfort

pale light showers
through the window
casts out shadows

in a room of my own
I keep my curtains open
so night will keep me company

tirai malam 

tiraiku terbuka semalam 
agar rembulan selalu dapat
menjaga tidurku 

bintang sebagai pengawas 
degup jantung tidak teratur
keringat yang meleleh turun 

dari datangnya mimpi buruk 
perusak kelamnya tidur 
mata membelalak lebar 

pelita yang terlihat 
menggantung di langit 
hitam, sumber ketenangan  

cahaya pucat mengalir
masuk lewat jendela 
mengusir kegelapan 

dalam kamarku sendiri 
tiraiku selalu terbuka 
agar malam dapat menemaniku

Kit Kelen #305 - over and over (after Tanikawa Shuntaro)

over and over

after Tanikawa Shuntarō

we do these things
again and again

key in the door

knives at the ready
breakfast, lunch

how many times?

a name means that
we've been before

yawn and stretch
undress for bed

little tinkle?
lust is larger

you've dreamt a track
this far till now

like insect
under bark

it sticks – this something
in that same head's crevice

bitch, back bite
bite back

it's the same animal we wolf down
forks and spooning up

and me
in the maw

a kiss for the familiar
are two any breaths the same?

it's not yesterday's sigh
but who will keep the catalogue?

breathe more coal
go faster, faster

take steps and knowing what to do
each step may seem familiar

there is resemblance
siblings show

arpeggio's one chord
no other strings or keys could brighten

journeys end in the earth
ways go on

we sniff at the flower
till the scent is gone

death will be a unique experience
but nothing to remember 


Red Cone(LF)#270-Pattawurta

Red Cone(LF)#269-Oratunga

Red Cone (LF)#268-concert


lounge suit/cocktail
5.45pm the banquet room drinks
7.30 pm concert
interval drinks
dessert and drinks
wonderful conductor
wonderful music
but about
drone drift away drama

I am an old rock and roller

Bronwyn Rodden #31 - Journey to Ink

Gothic Wattle, Chinese Style, wattle and Chinese ink on rice papers.

A dark work for Samhain, a time for night to enclose the earth, spirits of the dead to mingle with the living, a time of great change. Of course, in the southern hemisphere it should be a spring celebration at this time of year, but we are overwhelmed with Halloween imagery, so let’s enjoy the darkness.
This is also the end of my month on Project 365+1 – many thanks to Kit for the opportunity to share with other artists and writers. 

30.10.16 (#303) long grass Myron Lysenko

long grass
under the trampoline
spring flowers

Mikaela Castledine #304 The Sea

The sea is your pet
bringing dead things
dropping them at your feet
never tiring of
playing fetch
begging at the edges
licking your face

Lizz Murphy - Poem 305: The Turnbull Ban


Ban the refugee
refuse you asylum 
never let you in never 
ever let you in 
imprison for three 
years block the visa 
send you back never 
let you in never ever 
let you in send the 
clear message send 
the signals signal the 
people smugglers 
imprison the people 
block the visa never 
let you in never ever 
let you

Let you off the islands 
send you here send 
you there block the 
visa never let you in 
never ever let you in 
majority genuine 
leave you in limbo 
never let you in 
never ever let you in
block the vulnerable 
block the visa
block your families
never let you in 
never ever let you

Let that sink your boat!

Conifer, Dan. 2016.  'Manus Island, Nauru refugees to be banned from entering Australia, Malcolm Turnbull says.' ABC News. Online. [Accessed October 31, 2016] URL:

Bronwyn Rodden #30 - Journey to Ink

Ebor Falls, mixed handmade inks on rice paper and canvas.

A recent work inspired by Ebor Falls, near Dorrigo, using native plant inks from my garden.

Rob Schackne #131 - The Visit

The Visit

One day in July
three men came

in the same suits
they were polite

we need ya to stay
on the other side

I asked them where
the other side was

see that corner well
don’t go there anymore

Kristen de Kline #22 - Five blue figures

This one comes out of nowhere,
that's what the guy who wrote it says.

Nobody seemed to know what it means:
"There's five blue figures on a white circle" ...
... something about making arrangements, keeping each other in line.

'82. At parties you hear people saying:
it's based on numerology
five figure settlements
doodles on a note-pad
colour therapy
divorce lawyers
call centres

On You Tube you watch the scratched over clip of the Blams:
punk boys
dangling on a knife-edge

'82. Night before dole day, we raid the roach jar, roll-another-number
crank up 'Don't fight it Marsha' on the turntable
sit in the living room in Kilmore Street with the blackened out windows
as if we've gone back to the London Blitz
Does anyone get the lyrics: 'There's five blue figures on a white circle'?
Moira says she knew the chick it was written for, it always made her cry,
it was about her relationship
Then the skinhead, who ends up inside for dealing,
can't remember his name,
just the pet rat on the shoulder of his army jacket,
the birth mark stain strangling his neck
like a vicious love bite.
He tells us:
It's written by a punk who wants to write songs about the way we live
getting wasted
smashing cars
but they never go anywhere
so he ends up writing lyrics all about
                               household appliances

Nobody seems to know what it means.
Five blue figures on a white circle.
This one comes out of nowhere goes nowhere comes out of nowhere.

Béatrice Machet # 271 Something series-6

# 271   Something series-6

Whirling around and around and
around till it falls
down to the ground. Drifted away and dragging its tips. Not superficial this
raking noise. It penetrates and carves a dance inside what is more
 than your body. It echoes the whole
life process through the flaming colors of Fall trees. Something like
a tongue or better a shadow of a tongue is
never far even is the root say the spring
of the fire itself…
Don’t ask

Quelque chose.
Tourbillonnant et tour et tournicotant
Jusqu’à tomber
par terre. Emporté et traînant ses pointes. Rien de superficiel
ce raclage. Son bruit pénètre et grave dans ce qui est plus
que votre corps. Il résonne de l’entier
processus de vie grâce aux couleurs flamboyantes des arbres d’automne. Quelque chose
comme une langue ou mieux une ombre de langue n’est
jamais loin elle étant même la racine la source
du feu lui-même…
ne demandez pas