Sunday, September 9, 2018

Gillian Swain #2 - Couch Pun

They hoiked the couch over the fence
New home maker store bought upholstery
with mud highlights
and grass flecks 

Swear words heave the easy chair 
over tin lip
crash landing  cushioned on the first
deep nests of grass trim the velour
and the wind laughs
throws it's head back
reclining in the stupidity
of lazy boys

It's ok though
they've cracked open a beer
They'll sherbet the sinuses
and drag them in later.


  1. I love a good hoiking
    wherever a fence is concerned


  2. it's OK
    the wind threw
    its head back
    and I joined in
    good fences
    make good
    high jumpers

  3. And I'm up for cracking another beer :)


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