Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Kit Kelen #977 - the nod

the nod

a day to say nothing
my job is done

they could cut out my haircut
and hang it here

they've already cut out my tongue
but I can still make hyperbole

let's get real
here are the pages we wade
drone to troll, enthuse

when I am asked, agree

waltz in from
each of us is born with a time zone
times should be tattooed on foreheads to show

someone kept a gate
and fed it on failures

deadpan habitus
plus sometimes sneer

the years of being there are gone

rain steadies the heat
snail the size of a city sails past

a little counter-tenor outburst for ambiance
I give away the bride
I give the nod for free


  1. Yay! I'm glad for this particular marriage. Ha.

  2. is as good as a wink
    perchance the tenor cries


  3. a snail walks
    the razor blade
    the rain burned
    we were fed
    on failures
    the nod asks
    for its return


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