church of love called breakfast for one
this is the
line I found in the morning
no idea what
it could have meant
it is the only
trace of that gone world
sometimes it
is like someone (some other me)
has dropped in
and left these things of a night
so that I'm
woken with the urgency of news
I cannot know
where that world is
or who has
vanished with it
what manner of
country was
is it a
question of worship?
lost in time
we all are
I checked
through the night
for next
unable to
predict the hour
I know that I
dreamt carrots as well
but it was
just this waking once to write
I go with it
and I wash the
and when I sit
down to the screen
it's the
church of love
breakfast for one
these are the
words I type
At dinner tonight I overheard
Someone say, This crummy planet
I turn – and of course they’re Chinese
Discussing an unrelated matter
Money or a delicious relationship
Us do oppposite of all Earthly things
I hope I’m not in for this again
Plain speech shifting into strangeness
Confucian lessons in strident acrimony
How can me be protector when no one here to protect?
Who can sometimes read the score
Then it goes around in my head
& comes out sounding different.