Saturday, September 8, 2018

Kit Kelen #981 - Jerusalem Waterfall

Jerusalem Waterfall
draft of title poem

the Waterfall Effect is where, from staring into falling water, one begins to see the wall next to the water rise

Jerusalem Syndrome is a religious mania that overtakes a small but steady number of visitors to Jerusalem, making each believe that he (sic.) is the Messiah

(in a promised land)

it takes time to fix the eye
you have to have a heart for it
torn and bleeding still

with feet in days of old

it happens in a house of clocks
it's all done with a mirror

this is a desert place
there might be dragons
no one in their right mind would be here

those, the others, are already damned
there isn't much difference to make

it's up to us to keep them out
the means at our disposal

strew fronds
haul in the fish
make dove
whittle out a state of grace

God's writing's smaller than you see

is it time that we watch flow?
there's more of it than water here

and we're across the river
we're the parted sea

so far from who we were
and yet still foretold

when you're quite sure
only you can tell the truth
you'll see the wall go up

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