Sunday, September 9, 2018

Kit Kelen #982 - I kept a wild beast in the city

I kept a wild beast in the city 

I kept a wild beast in the city
what manner of hard to say
but cuddly under covers
in my room in mind

all around the shop
whiff of dream to go with when
bouncy with little style, a certain...

bunny some ways, possum too
always up for a climb
and tiger in the wilds of course
from far, from letting go

I had a soft toy in the town
came alive with rub and tug
and never knew where it would hide
or he or she – dangly, folding –
rollick hay and seasonal

and even in the month, the day
I couldn't keep it to myself
or in your pants or mine

but you could say that I was kept
with wild beast ways
with love that's here and gone

then I would keep
or so to speak
this wild beast
of my own

1 comment:

  1. Ah Kit, those wild beasts kept in the city - but do you ever get to tame them?


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