Saturday, September 28, 2019

Kit Kelen #1367 - cervsiam et circenses - beer and circuses - or who gives a fuck about footy?

cervisiam et circenses
(beer and circuses)
who gives a fuck about footy?
a new blasphemy for our times

a tickle in the scrum and kick
high tackle
change the sacred line-up
roll through rough and tumble

this soil on which
no holden cars
but roos aplenty

how dismally we’re failed with work
pianos to the tip

here’s a better world
where all are muscle
able, straight

can black be ever white?

team of CEO youngsters
all salaries uncapped
and doff to them

splash advertising
drink it in

after all there’s drought
it’s holy

some of us are actually on fire
even as we speak
shout, more like

do some dislocation, tear ears
gouge, leave love bites

speak to the boys about

while the joint is sinking
poets, artists starve
a bet? you bet!

after market
it’s just before the weather always

imagine how it is in heaven?
that god who cannot speak
baits breath

and all of this is so foretelling
was that a forward pass?

pick a code
ping pong some say
and suck it up

punch the ball

bend willingly they tell in bed
where you come to admire

women have knitted for this
in a bin of sin it’s cold

have you noticed how the house is burning
permafrost’s let loose
how waves sweep over our heads
a comet falls
spill entrails

it’s always cops versus the robbers
they fill up my screen with such hopes

love it when the coach says ‘ladies’, ‘girls’

the young in one another’s arms
who doesn’t love the puppy leap?
and nothing to see here

how wry
dry humping love

is there music to it?
yes! anthem as to war

here come the sacred players
all opinion at
holy! holy! holy!

as are the stumps
so this ball, pitch

who took the drugs?
who brawled, who raped?

brought into disrepute?

the sacred values of the club
such as codgers keep
where in their beer
all weep

we know about booze and violence
the triumph over mind and art

ball shaped for a bucket and kick

how grand was your final?
someone loses

and after match
best, fairest
those defeated take on wife
or someone’s

almost always win
on the home ground

they camp out at the gates
swags enduring temperature

here, drink this
choke down a pie  

we’re lied to
robbed of
for instance, future

not even our own extinction would rouse
but that is far
there are many to go

still missiles point
so catch
and pass
and piss it in

all at the whim of madmen

born with certain colours to wave
and you, weren’t you (?), always sure

who do you barrack for?

meanwhile, in a forest somewhere
further from you
(how many football pitches an hour?
[the ball out of shape is the measure of all])

someone is up the last tree
almost equally speechless
but who gives a fuck?

under this pitch
black as
let’s dinosaur dig
there might be coal
or medieval hell
we’ll simply have to check

thicken the sky
till we dig there too

manage your anger
temper a grief

spoilers like me
so fucking correct
to think of the others
but, honestly, I don’t very much

handle my own weaknesses
legions to decimate

but footy – to watch – what is it good for?

I play a game of touch
with others of my ilk

the only thing of which I’m certain
this must be better than a war

to live in a crowd of shouting

it’s all with mother’s milk

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