Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Chrysogonus #95 - Sinom

~ fourth song ~

they teach him
the pride of men

in feet that gallop
in a brawl for a ball

in a cascade of sweat
from the hair

it soaks the cheeks
it wets the lips

they tell him
to run, to chase

in their eyes
this should be his pride

a boy who locks himself
in a roomful of books

~ tembang keempat ~

mereka mengajarinya 
kebanggaan laki-laki 
pada perebutan bola 
lewat kaki yang berlari 
rintik basah di dahi 
basah keringat mengucur 
mengejar yang tiada
pernah ingin dimiliki 
ia hidup bersama buku di kamar 

PS: Original pattern for Sinom, 9 lines (8a - 8i - 8a - 8i - 7i - 8u - 7a - 8i - 12a)

1 comment:

  1. I like the rythm in it and the idea behind what would a "boy who locks himself
    in a roomful of books" represent in many human minds...


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