Sunday, October 7, 2018

Thirty Summers 140 # Claine Keily

I have always lived several lives at once. The sky has always appeared overly wide above me. My doctor told me one day that this was my particular malady, that I knew so well how to be happy, but that I as others had to tend a divergent path in order to feed themselves and tend their shelter and those they loved with money.

I remember being twenty years old and calculating how many days I could survive if I lived the way I wanted. I counted thirty days of living sunlight as starlight, of photographing strangers I had followed through narrow alleyways, of writing their dreams for them, of sleeping without blankets beside the last of the new shorn hay.


  1. lord what conflict
    living how we want to
    all things must pass

  2. and so holidays end
    fireworks go out
    there will always be the strength of this bitter dream
    and the longed for
    untrammelled path


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