Monday, October 7, 2019

KA Rees #12 - Five patterns in nature

Five patterns in nature

Milk spills from the carton it pours over the bench onto carpet
the carpet repels then soaks it up, lips of a hungry white goat.

The moon spills like milk from the carton over the ink cartridge
ocean. The ocean moves in waves like a bed of eels.

The caterpillars in the garden are chomping through leaves
bite by bite they take the soft belly sequencing nature’s code.

Channel billed cuckoos search for unsuspecting nests, their red eyes honing
the navigation lights of a 747, wing-tips coming into land.

Cracks in the pavement contain a meander of ants, humidity
rises, the wet hands of summer. Ants build temples.

We have killed all the spiders in the house. Not the house spiders,
those critters are post lenticular.

The spiders are growing fat, fed ripe flies ready to burst; their progeny
crawl through the mess of web seeking an escape to begin the O again.

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