Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Rob Schackne #1018 - "Not particularly"

Not particularly
prone to eavesdrop
nor the bystander
just waiting for
the action to stop
I hope you sort
your problems out

father and a son
maybe 10 years old
who has just done
a great bike trick
Dad did you see it
yes he says angrily
now he's shouting

this kind of thing
will get you nowhere
the rest of your life
you're worthless

the boy is crying
& a hundred tears
roll down the road

short lurches only
all this sorrow
I hope you sort
your problems out

I've got no ciggie
to throw in the gutter
I spit instead


  1. great visual poem Rob - like a classic (timeless) movie scene

  2. Nicely horrible, Rob, your horror show.


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