Friday, October 18, 2019

KA Rees - #23 - Hard blues

Hard blues

Morning light, sand in the swelling tide,
Salt lids.
Heat beads mark your skin, snail-like they slide down the sides of your face.

Hard blues in the sky.
Paint blisters and peels, the iron railings are weathered, encrusted.
Layers of rust and tricoloured paint, red and green and black.

The traffic’s banked up, Sydney road under hard blues
the bitumen melts a little; coffee grind
slow drip into a cup.

The heat punch hits as you slip into your own humid shell
remember, Weedy Sea Dragons
use long snouts to suck prey into their mouths.

1 comment:

  1. and who, given the opportunity, could honestly say they wouldn't do the same?


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