Saturday, October 26, 2019

Kit Kelen #1394 - last day of Ayer's Rock

last day of Ayers Rock

here is thing

fum fie fee fo

imagine discovering
beanstalk up
because it’s there


only the animal saw before
fee fo for

and leave behind these many marks
to say yourself
came here

lost an apostrophe somewhere
a turd on the desert and disappear

symbol of something
fie on’t, fie

because they’re there

abseil St Paul’s, St Peter’s
Blue Mosque I smoke Notre Dame myself

do poo
don’t you?

fee fie

little savage
haven’t I already been

all stork and up
toy ashtray too

and spear in the garden
round and round
we still can go

what a view from top of the rock
and bring the kiddies along

last of the curse
must turn to stone

fee and fie and fum

trolls of sunshine
of the open air

thing is gone
put it away

ho hum

now sacred
has another name

all vanish off the map like

may we all
and so belong

this is someone’s country  

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