Tuesday, December 31, 2019

KA Rees #73 - The Art of Kintsugi

The art of Kintsugi

For my fellow 365ers

The pieces were swept up

and placed in a box. There they remained

till the dust came, the colours muted

the bone exposed, a white

gash of shin. This is how age

gets in—remembering the art of Kintsugi 

is an art of broken things, understanding

a piece that is broken and mended

is more than the unbroken whole,

watching how the last jacaranda

panicles cling to the branches

in a smoky six o’clock sky

this, the last day in December

on the last day of the decade.

Remembering the sound of bees 

in jasmine from long ago.

#Project end game

#Goodnight Bill. Goodnight Lou. Goodnight May. Goodnight.


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