Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Kit Kelen #1439 - a wilderness makes me

a wilderness makes me
(Ozymandias riff)
for godsbother

its barefoot way

like a candle
day out


cloud for novelty
(those little ones we name)

my own oasis
gets into toenail too

mandala work
around decay

seek under earth
over heaven
dig here

be blown
sand blasted sometimes

frequently no signal
but beer

willy willy
min min
tinnitus too

drought till Santa
pour him in
and Christmas in the waves

cast like a question aside
it spins

sit up and beg
profits come from this

moonlessly lost
no one will hear you think it

and trackless
nothing catches fire
you’ll never insure

rain’s good
manna will do

the little clouds have gone away

it’s elsewhere I’m known for
legion and foreign

a pedestal put up
tread these boards

a privateer
sail past prairies thus

I have been called – here’s luck

stars closer
and touch me, time
see so far

I’m sovereign still
borders tatter too

bend heads
to bow
press pilgrim’s palms
call upon the dust
and dreaming

I’m fauna

all things that aren’t sustain me
cash of every other age

I have a poetry passport

the sun most overhead
as on its way gone

o wilderness mine
and breeze beginning

making tracks
and yet survive
far and away

a lone and level stretch
where I’m now

sneer, wrinkle
bring you revelation

antique that I am


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