Saturday, October 1, 2016

Chris Mansell Quid Pro Quad #1 somewhere not

Greetings! This is the first of the quad posts for the month of October. I'm new to this project, and glad to be here. More about quads on my site.


  1. Interested in the format, popping off for the visit. and welcome.

  2. great... looks really promising!

  3. Wonderful, Chris. And very touching, once I relaxed and stopped trying to move the others around. :)

  4. Hello Chris, great to have you here, Susan.

  5. Hello Chris, great to have you here, Susan.

  6. Oh I loved this, it is really interesting how the form plays with the voice in your mind as you are reading it. I will be reading it many times.

  7. Thanks Sarah for spending time with it. I really appreciate it - the poem puts lots of slowdown speed humps in the way and many would give up before the end. There's a sound poem embedded in the poem (in red) which gives access to, or comments on, the full poem. I'm going to record some quads for my site today - though it will take a while to get the new site up, I might try to record one for here too.

    365+1 is a great space isn't it!

  8. I can't wait to hear it - it's a great work of 'othering'; stops any easy identification of self with the other in poetry, well, in writing generally.

  9. Thank you Efi. I've done a couple of shonky recordings so far but better to come. I don't think it's possible to upload recordings here (??) but I'll put up a link.


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