Sunday, January 27, 2019

Kit Kelen #1124 - cookin'


days like this we all catch fire

first thing up in
wilted to the flower
and too much summer said

winter is a bonfire waiting
and clutter up to flame
we live

as if a lightbulb bloomed in the dream
till all of Christmas lit

yesterday’s sun still with us, stays
can’t get it out of these rooms

yellow as we are to it
and tunnel ending ever after

a kitchen caught us
who could stand that heat?
there was no getting out

poached up

leaves above us falling
books as we read – fire

there’s just this one bottle of winter
I’ve kept to crack on a day like today

the ants are
from drought to this
a flame away

the nakedness is ours

days like this
fire catches us
Vesuvius prophetic
at deeds and chores

we’ve hell to burn

another day of our cremation
we brought this on ourselves you know

and it goes on

do you imagine
it droppeth as a mercy would
upon the place below

keep faith and cling
imagine that

on a day like this you must

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