Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Kit Kelen #1127 - without a thought in my head (a little effort at meditation)

without a thought in my head
a little effort at meditation

can you imagine what such a silence suggests?

beyond mere breath
a striving for the nothing there –
the all-beyond of strife

as if a breeze from empty air
between the ears

and all of this something
always something else
mind trains on

must keep an image tether to
make sure that I don’t float away

empty ideal you could say
but shhhhhhh!
all such bubbles are soap
so portentous

in order not to have a care
to brush off the grime of day

must sometimes trick myself from thinking
so make all things new and far

the colour of nothing
is all of this time between zero and one

fall through or for it
and from this great height

it is a well, moon minded
dust of nothing
and no one to kick

we imagine
join dotted lines

so far and away so good
the head returns to a roll in the hay

listen for it
how the world stops at the top of the clock

an open window
or else I’m a mirror
step through

insects land from the future
not a thought in their heads
but here we are

life in the egg
bound to be like this

cross the eyes
and dot the teas
worry us into a new disease

try not to follow a train
or stoke
keep parallel with tracks
deal with the simplest facts of brain

and so on till infinity

come clouding clear
in a glass of water
follow a lit speck there

I make myself a fascination

to be unknown among my works
lauded for such absence

interested in everything

and so it is we must imagine

blank mind
pure soul
clear heart

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