Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Kit Kelen #1126 - on Day One of the poem

on Day One of the poem

I was there
remember you darling hung
the playpen beads

I built it out of mud and timber

everything was made then
you can call it primeval

call it the cranium cave lamp

yesterday’s sun still with us
everyone got the headgear at Bunnings

no one fell to their knees
in a penniless loft
will someone anyone strike a match?

another was already begun
and persevered with it

from chaos
(can we even spell it then?)

a dabble to begin
and out of compost muck I mulched

one imagines then rain
on such a night

was I an envy green?
but no

I had a face to it
and grew
into the storm

every inch of it a stretch
all the forevers there

and flowers
no one knew that they’d been said

my aim in all
not to be remembered

I know I will be buried in
best suit I ever wore

this is how I go to the maker

Day One is a tautology
and yet we are believed

you had to have been there

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