Monday, October 28, 2019

KA Rees #31 In Case of Emergency

In Case Of Emergency

Isn’t coffee supposed to keep you awake?
Yes? I don’t know, maybe.

Your mouth—full of snow, drifting
The drive requires shovelling
The steps to the front door need to be discovered

once more.

Aren’t you supposed to…

Isn’t it?

Someone has given you the cards
you walk to find
cracks in which to deposit them.

What is my pin number
against a day’s bright, tight pain
at least the building is air-conditioned.

We never get
a chance to answer
by the time
we remember
we have forgotten again.

A patchwork quilt, coming into land.
Where do we live? Which one is us? They pipe and fight to breathe
over the glass. In case of emergency, put on your own mask before
helping to put a mask on the child. I raise water to my mouth and drink.

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