Friday, October 4, 2019

Kit Kelen #1372 - all sing (you hear the voices, don't you?)

all sing
you hear the voices, don’t you?
for ataraxia

it’s everywhere the sunshine
it’s up from dust the rain

the lemon is reaching
ants rise to the bud

by paddock till pudding
all chew cud

I’m the trodden path
and you must be truth’s grain

it’s snout cum beak
and paw or hoof

muddy up this scratch-a-way
carry round a roof

it’s everywhere the sunshine
it’s up from dust the rain

there’s music in the mysteries
gossip excuses for tin ear

all sing and find the tune for free
but very few will hear

it’s outwardly the leaf and reach
and hang a breeze for fruit

tip the seed all heavenward
see the green of shoot

till and build, grin, bear, care
but nowhere to begin

it’s sleep off all the world till now
then take it for a spin

tunnel down, work pioners
have a branch to root

look into hearts and souls
and see never twice the same

there’s love among the creatures
and call the clouds by name

it’s all swift wings and shadows cast
little bugs, we’re here at last

with light between the branches
and thought’s a gloried train

it’s everywhere the sunshine
it’s up from dust the rain

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