Saturday, October 12, 2019

Kit Kelen #1380 - the meditation on my corpse as a self

the meditation on my corpse as a self
(one more little mortality ode)
for ataraxia/godsbother

have to throw your own ashes, bones
frequently the dream gives on

to the truth of day ahead… and behind?
there’s a rear mirror for that

it’s barefoot to the Yellow Wells
bless my isles, let’s sing

how in this skull my wishes were
and read them here today

there’s nowhere else this I goes
and no one else to be

how am I there then to dispose
when that’s for the almighty imagine?

come back as these words
but just if you like

like sitting to strain on a throne
in among trees I’ve wished

now taller than the fleshly me
was a point weakened and went

and likewise lost, you in my phrases
seasons have come and gone in the tree

please save the world
may we joy in the music now

see things that aren’t quite there
you won’t see me at all

say total systems failure
or deeper and deeper in life

till he ran out of roads, past praise
Iie like a thunderbolt, I do

a little daisy push up bliss
won’t feel the cold or thing else

lovely it will be to have been
glimpse of the turns beyond mine

to know ahead of a certain day in Spring
low altitude the bower birds

the mulberry coming ripe
and a pair of them

wings held to a fine steep tilt
the Channel Bills are back  


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