Wednesday, January 27, 2016

#27 Kevin Brophy 'Cable Beach'

On Cable Beach the parked Toyotas
face the sea as still as gulls.

Here, your life depends upon
finding a good mechanic.

If you're lost on one of those
tracks in the desert
and out of water after a few days,
best to set your spare tyre alight.

Out of the black night, Tony said,
two steers
right in front of us
and the car went over them
like bags of chips.

The hotel pool, shaped like a boomerang,
is perfect for my crooked swimming style.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like the sense of danger, as well as the sense of humour in these lines and the observations in the crisp , menacing images.

    After reading your poem I googled Cable Beach.

    white sand
    and red ochre cliffs—
    newly married


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