Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Robert Verdon, #26, T. Nutgusts, famed Gigglebusterìan poet … quotes from the disastrous Paris Review interview

    1. science and art are both arcane, but science has the ‛spin-off’ of technology, art has only craftwork and writers specifically have journalism and greeting card verse!
    2. [told cleverly in sign language]
    3. class is prior; even ‛identities’ (women, blacks, ‛queers’) are circumscribed by their access to the means of production
    4. [redacted]
    5. I’m a raw food vegan because I like to eat my food alive
    6. [too embarrassing to report]
    7. back home us kids used to wear cloth caps and eat black puddings with the name ‛Arthur Scargill’ showing all the way through — long live the British Stalin Society!
    8. [unintelligible, fists raised]
    9. any more grappa?
    10. Aren’t you going to show me round fockin’ Paris …?

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