Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Kit Kelen #1082 - a psalm (for ataraxia)

a psalm

for ataraxia

in a garden

justice, all sorts
low flying

here are the words
run through a head

here is the track
set first to light

tether's end, is it?
sprightly, by path, sung up

this one praised and that applauded
someone summarily dispensed

clouds caught at my will
the garden is collected in books

a flower opens
all hearts must

sit truthfully to
ceremony and procession

all so too much seen
this world of all we are

here are the stars we took for night
here is the dew's still touch

up path
and sky revolve

let me be lost
and someone is calling

catch up with each other
so surpassed

seasons go silly here
stringed hymn

then shall we praise?
let light hold hearts

that we are sung to here

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